My life is acting ; acting is my life. – Sonali Ramesh Dalvi.

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Sonali says “yes its true my life is acting.. and also I am an actress so acting is my life..”
Wait wait dont get confuse..
When she told me. Why her life is acting
Tears rolled down my eyes Uncontinuously .

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What is acting ? Even an act essay may struggle to fully define act. When she is just 12 years old she learn emotions of acting not from any acting acadamy , not from any acting seminar she learn from her real life. When she 12 years old she face many family issu in her life . Her parents fighting Shouting every day & every night without any reasons.

She cried whole night in her blanket and next morning she go for school. In her school She Behaved like nothing is happen everything is good , with her happy smile .
Act is a way of seeing the world, a way manner of expression, oftentimes our need to create act feels like a compulsion.

Act may be a way to explore your world or your imagination. She is imagin her happy personal life and she is act like that. In this way, life is act her life is acting. Act may inspire a beginning actress to take steps into learning a new charector, or an accomplished artist to experiment with a new charectors. Like when She was someones friend she had to hide her personal life , Act is teaching, act is learning. Act can be exciting, empowering, and an expression of love.

Act can be a challenge. Act can be: both frustrating and rewarding at the same time, leading to a sense of accomplishment — or a determination to do more. Act can be a message:  of politics, of peace, of brutality, or beauty. Act can be an escape, an idealization, or simply a means of play. Act can be anything and everything you let it be!
In her age of 16 she played theatres in pune. She gave auditions for movies , serial , at the age of 16
Betweent this she is doing job as a sales girls in fashion designer store.

One day there was shoot for new designs and shop owner says to sonali please wear this & come I have click your photo send for client . She wear that dress shop owner say u look great sonali. You will become model, and she listen that and she select as a Model for glamocity clothing fashion brand. She did amazon shoot, print shoot, etc
Then she select for a film vijayi bhav and her lead in vijayi bhav damini as we can see her work is in vijayi bhav amazing . She did great in vijayi bhav movie as damini sardesai . She forget about her pain and personal life when she is enjoying her life . She is brave & bold girl . She is always is lam-light for her beautiful and bold photoshoot . She enjoy her glamour life .

Act may have as profound an effect on its audience as it does on the artist itself. Viewing certain works of act may evoke strong feelings or cause someone to consider something they previously never pondered. While an artist may have felt inspired when creating a role , the finished charector may then inspire those who view it. 
So, pick up that script , that role , that makeup , that castume , and let act take you where it will. Explore and experiment, do something different: she said try a new medium you think you hate, make a collaborative role with a fellow artist — push your boundaries! After all, life is act and Act is a way to grow as a person, so take advantage!

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