Mitwa, the channel for the desi, is expanding its horizons. Mitwa is now offering premium Hollywood content dubbed in Bhojpuri under Mitwa ‘Bidesia’. The movies would be released every Friday. The dubbed content will bring Hollywood content to the interiors of India, thus connecting them with the mainstream.
“Entertainment is the ‘keyword’ today. After a day’s hectic schedule people want to sit back and relax. According to Avinash Raj- CEO Mitwa TV, there is a huge mismatch between demand and supply in Bhojpuri entertainment market. Taking a pick at the degrading content that has become the cult of the industry, he said, “There is a demand for clean and entertainment content, but the existing infrastructure is not ready to cater to this demand. To address it Mitwa, plans to acquire content from India and abroad and dub it in Bhojpuri and Hindi”, added Avinash Raj.
Hollywood movies which are a niche, watching it in the comfort of one’s homes in a language one can identify creates an unparalleled experience” says Avinash Raj, CEO Mitwa TV.
“We are a media-tech Start-up. The catchline ‘Dil Se Desi’ reflects the sentiments of our viewers. I am committed to deliver fresh content as per my viewer’s demand. We produce varied contents, but major boost is given on entertainment”, he further added
Mitwa TV is an over-the-top (OTT) media start up based in India, has travelled a long way since its inception on March 17, 2022.
“At Mitwa TV, we understand the market demand, and add more impetus to what our viewers want to watch. Hence, rather than making it a standalone app, we decided to invest heavily into distribution, content & add more channels giving the audience a complete package”, says Avinash.
Mitwa through its unique offerings is redefining the entertainment industry. With Serials, Movies, Mitwa News, Mitwa Mix- a UGC platform and soon to be launched games, Mitwa is buildings world’s first regional entertainment & media platform.
Mitwa Tv has a huge viewership base outside India. The large number of downloads taking place across the globe, showcases the reach and popularity of the platform. One of the USP which Mitwa Tv has is its strong distribution. Mitwa TV is available on play-store, app-store, firestick apart from popular streaming devices like Mi Stick.
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