Darshan Babu: Punjabi and Hindi great voice of Dalit Singer

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Have you heard the Ambedkar song Zindabad (Fan Bheem De) of your Darshan Babu ? If not, Darshan Babu is a good place to start. Popularly known as Darshan Babu, a 28-year-old singer from Sirsa, Haryana, who is proudly identified as a Dalit, Darshan praises Dr. Ambedkar and Guru Ravidas Ji in his songs and soon becomes a Punjabi pop song, Are also bringing. 

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Darshan’s music, though catchy, comprises of revamped shabads (devotional songs) and songs about Dalit pride. With thousands of followers on Facebook and YouTube, Darshan has arrived. And this is rather interesting in the times of Punjabi & Haryanvi hip-hop. 

Her songs are rooted in Punjabi folk tunes and extol the virtues of BR Ambedkar and Sant Ravidass, both powerful Dalit icons. Darshan’s family belongs to the Ravidassia faith, founded out of Sikhism, that believes in the oneness of God. The teachings of Ravidassias are compiled in the Amritbani Guru Ravidass Ji, the community’s holy book. Darshan’s songs are, for the most part, shabads or hymns written in praise of her Guru. 

Darshan was interested in music since childhood. He often sings songs in a  program organized by Guru Ravidas and Dr.Ambedkar. Darshan could not learn much music due to financial constraints. But due to dedication in music, darshan gained knowledge of very little music only by singing songs in the house.

In 2012, he joined Sirsa’s college. Darshan received his education in music there. And in 2016 Darshan performed his first song from King Star Canada company Livewood (Fan Bheem De) which gave Darshan a distinct identity. Today, not only in Sirsa, he has lovers all over the world. His videos, though not of high quality, give his songs a different view. Challenging the world in confident singing, Darshan says that lions will always be alive like Baba Saheb.Darshan has become a favorite singer of Dalit society today. Today there are thousands of fans on Darshan’s Facebook Instagram. Soon Darshan is also bringing a Punjabi song at the request of his foreigners.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/its_darshanbabu

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