Kartik Patel A Teen Instagram Creator

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Kartik Patel  a 13-year-old from Mirzapur district, has become one of the busiest content creators in Mirzapur . He Started Earlier A Instagram Account. Today, he runs a successful Instagram Account @_kartik_patel_7777, with 20k followers, and has a huge following on other social media platforms.

Kartik started his journey as a content creator with His Friends  making short videos for his cars.

Kartik is a fan of Anurag Dobhal (UK07Rider)and wanted to do something that would give him and his team recognition at the national level. Hence, they launched their Instagram Account which quickly gained 20k followers. They also extended their Car Reels on other social media platforms, where they gained a massive following.

Kartik , Mother Is A Politician In Marihan Constituency Mirzapur .
His Father Is A Government Teacher.

 Kartik Patel  is a true inspiration for all those who dream of being a popular Instagram Creator . He did not let failures kill his dream and found success by exploring other avenues. 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/_kartik_patel_7777?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==

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